Creatio has an awesome low code/no-code business process
framework that makes data updates very easy to build.
It also works well in conjunction with UI code. The UI code
handles the high-level logic of delegation, while the business process
framework can do the heavy lifting, leading to a much simpler codebase overall.
Business processes work in the background, which means that
after all the data updates are done, it finishes its work and then notifies the
UI so the UI can then decide to update itself with the necessary information.
Rather than have the screen wait on the process to execute,
it is more efficient and user-friendly to have the screen still available to
the user with the process efficiently working in the background in parallel.
This makes the UI responsive to the user, while also allowing the business
process to silently do the heavy lifting in the background without interrupting
To make this happen, we need the business process to let the
UI know when it is done. How do we do this? Enter Creatio's messaging
It lets the business process send out a notification message
that the application can listen for. So, whenever the business process finishes
its work, a message (signal) is sent out. And of course, we also need to set up
a "listener" on the other end, so it knows to look for this message
and do something whenever it receives it.
To broadcast this message in a business process, we can use
a simple script to post the message out via the script element at the very end
of the business process. It looks something like this:
The script will need a short bit of code to send out the
message. In this case, there is a message indicating that data related to
TimeLog information must be refreshed. Also, pay attention to make sure the
message contains extra double quotes, as indicated below, so it does not have
trouble when being packaged as JSON information.
Once the process runs, the "RefreshTimeLogDetail"
message gets sent out after all processing is complete. This message now needs
a listener set up to perform the receiving of the message.
To handle this, add a message listener on the page that should refresh/update whenever the "RefreshTimeLogDetail" message is sent. This can be done by adding the following code to the "methods" element on a page.
Note that "UsrSchemae9cdb495Detaildf7018cf" is the
internal reference to the UI element that shows the TimeLog detail
information. This should be changed as needed to name the appropriate detail
element to be refreshed.
Once this is all implemented, the detail area will
automatically refresh when the business process runs in the background.
Note that the code uses the this.updateDetail method
to refresh just one detail area of the screen. Ideally, we only want to refresh
the appropriate areas and not perform a blanket refresh of the page, as this
would slow performance. It is possible to also use the this.reloadEntity method,
which will refresh all the main fields on the form, but care has to be taken
because it could reload data while a user is in the middle of typing something
on another area of the web page.
To summarize, rather than building a lot of code into the
page to perform data updates and refreshes, we can offload much of the code
logic into a low code business process and have the Creatio UI just talk to the
business process using some cool messaging tricks, making everything work
together nicely.