As a sales rep, it is crucial to be able to identify which leads are considered the ‘right’ leads to connect with. Not every lead that comes your way will be a perfect fit; in fact almost 50% of your prospects are not the correct prospect for your product or service.

Using Sugar Sell, your sales team can better understand prospects, while still automating their sales process along the way. Here are some tools within Sugar Sell that can benefit your sales team.

#1 Dashboards

Although Sugar Sell’s dashboards are primarily used to gain insights on your marketing efforts, the collected data also can give sales the analytics they need to better understand your prospects and leads, helping them focus on closing the deal.

Your home dashboard is the first dashboard you see when entering your Sugar Sell account. Here, you can pinpoint the effects of your sales performance.

Within this dashboard you can customize different dashlet cards that will help your team better understand where your prospects are within your sales process. Teams can analyze metrics like how many new leads you have gained this week in comparison to last week, how many of those leads were being converted, and finally if there are new and won opportunities. This card alone allows your sales team to visually recognize their new leads, the source of the lead, and the difference in numbers of new leads gained over time.

Use Case: Say you work within the Healthcare industry. You have started a home health company and you need your sales and marketing teams to work together to properly attract new referrals. As your Director of Marketing reaches out to local hospitals, social workers, and nearby facilities, your sales team’s primary focus will be to sell your home health company to the prospects that marketing has gathered. Within your Sugar Sell’s Dashboard, your ‘New Leads’ lists the new referrals that your marketing team has gathered. The ‘New Opportunities’ and ‘Opportunities Won’ sections in the dashlet card represents your sales efforts. A won opportunity is considered ‘won’ when a physician writes an order to refer a specific patient to your home health company.

#2 Target List

Sugar Sell users can build a list of leads or accounts that should be included — or even excluded  — from future campaigns using target lists. The lists allow the sales team to identify these participants using different attributes.  Similar to lead scoring, these attributes would be pre-defined. These targeted lists can be based on a specific age group, a location, or even filtered by where the individual is within the sales process.

Use Case: Going back to our home health company example, we have conducted research that indicates that most of our customers have chosen our company due to our wide variety of insurances accepted and low-cost options. Also, because of our location, we are considered a ‘hot spot’ for senior living. Using Sugar Sell’s target list, we create a set of criteria that will filter records based on specific elements within our case, location, and a specific age group.

Segmenting our dataset based on location helps identify records that are within our area. Not only that, but digging deeper into our list, we can also identify if that set of records are within our ‘required age-group’. This will give our sales reps a way to quickly identify their target accounts, making their job a lot easier.

#3 Lead Scoring using SugarPredict

Lead scoring is a numerical ‘score’ that is reflected based on the alignment of your marketing and sales efforts. Within Sugar Sell, users can implement SugarPredict for intelligent lead scoring.

SugarPredict uses AI capabilities that help you determine the likelihood that a lead will turn into a customer based on previous analytics and trends within your data. Using SugarPredict helps effectively track leads through your pre-defined sales process. This allows you to quickly gain insight of how well your leads are doing, and quickly identify ways to turn them into customers. Combining your data and third-party similar data, SugarPredict uses the information to make an accurate prediction of when these leads will become your next customer. Basically, it is making your sales rep’s job easier.

Use Case: For example, using the same use case shared within dashboards, our home health company decides to define which prospect is the most ‘fitting’ prospect for our company. To properly begin utilizing SugarPredict’s lead scoring tool, we must describe what attributes played a part when a prospect became a customer. Looking at our data, we can define both location and age as consistent attributes. Using target lists (section listed above), we can segment our dataset based on our desired location and required age group. We can then implement our SugarPredict list view which will create a new column called Prediction. This column will identify if the lead will be more or less likely to convert into a customer.

As you can see, Sugar Sell’s features allow you to use simple tools in a complex way to better fulfill your company’s business needs. To learn more about how Sugar Market’s tools can benefit your marketing team, visit our blog post on Sugar Market here!

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