While electronic business cards are slowly replacing paper ones, plenty of people are still using traditional business cards. Did you know that with a little setup you can scan business cards in the Creatio mobile app?

In order to add a ‘Scan business card’ action to the Creatio mobile, start by installing the free Business Card Scanner Mobile for Creatio application from the Creatio Marketplace. Click here for step by step instructions for installing Marketplace applications.

Next, follow the application setup instructions available on the marketplace page to sign up for a free API key from OCR.Space and update a couple of settings in Creatio. Specifically, you’ll need to input your API key and set the language of the business cards you’ll be scanning.

Once you’ve completed those quick steps, the Scan action will be available in the Creatio mobile application, in both the Contacts and Leads sections.

Creatio business card scan

Simply select the option to scan a business card, take a photo of the card, and wait a moment for Creatio to process the scan. Verify the information scanned correctly and fill in any missing details, then save.

Creatio business card scan
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