Data Management


Marketing Imposter Syndrome: Addressing the Confidence Crisis Among CMOs

Marketers are struggling with imposter syndrome through no fault of their own. It’s not because they are incapable; they are simply feeling left out of the conversation. For sales and marketing to understand one another and share a vision, data must be co-owned and metrics must be communicated and…

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CMO imposter syndrome

4 Tips for Ethical Data Mining

Watch this video to uncover four key principles for ethical data mining. Learn tips to ensure transparency, consent, and privacy in your data projects.

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Why Cybersecurity Matters: Protecting Your Business in an Online World

A robust cybersecurity plan can protect you against malicious actors and prevent hackers from gaining access to sensitive data. This is key to the long-term growth of your firm, as breaches are becoming increasingly expensive. Start by identifying data priorities that could undermine the integrity…

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importance of cybersecurity

Business Power Moves: Harnessing a Robust IT Infrastructure

A robust and well-designed IT infrastructure is essential to running a scalable and competitive business. In this post, we'll explore the advantages of a robust IT infrastructure, check out some real-world examples of successful IT infrastructures, and offer tips for making the most of your…

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IT infrastructure

Identifying Data Priorities in Your Cybersecurity Strategy

If you have a small or medium-sized company, then you may not have the resources to match the Fortune 500 companies, so you will have to prioritize. Today, we will talk about the type of information that you need to protect and the methods to do so.

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cybersecurity planning

Understanding Data Mining: Ethics, Tech, & Impacts on Growth

If you aren’t collecting, processing, and analyzing data in your business, you’re many steps behind the competition. While they’re sorting through large datasets and extracting meaningful insights that help their business solve pertinent problems, you’re likely struggling to move forward in any…

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data mining

3 Tips for Success with Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

The process of managing IT infrastructures doesn’t have be to a full-time job anymore. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) can automate the building, updating, deploying, and monitoring of environments that developers would otherwise have to do by hand. If your organization is starting out with IaC, you’…

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IaC Infrastructure as Code

Strategies to Help You Make the Most of Your Data

Data is one of your most valuable tools in the modern digital marketplace. No matter what kind of business or service you operate, data utilization can help you make the most of your situation and maximize your success.

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4 Key Ways to Improve Customer Data Management

Properly collecting and managing customer data is one of the most critical aspects of running a modern business. It helps companies and agencies make sure that this type of information is safe, while it also helps them glean valuable insight into what their customers expect from their product and/…

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customer data management

5 Benefits of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for Modern Businesses in the Cloud

You need to make sure that your data centers are consolidated and managed automatically through Infrastructure as Code (IaC). This is a model that codifies everything in your infrastructure to bring numerous benefits to your growing business. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how IaC can help…

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CRM Data Management Best Practices [FULL RECORDING]

In the final webinar of our CRM Security series, we overview the points of our first two webinars and discuss CRM Data Management Best Practices.

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Auditing Your Data

In this clip from our CRM Data Management Best Practices webinar, we teach you the process for auditing your data.

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Establishing Data Management Rules

In this clip from our CRM Data Management Best Practices webinar, we discuss the types of rules you should incorporate in your data management plan.

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Training Your Team on Data Mgmt Best Practices

In this clip from our CRM Data Management Best Practices webinar, we take a quick dive into team training.

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