Technology Advisors, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of their newest eBook, Administering SugarCRM, available for the Amazon Kindle. The electronic book provides SugarCRM users with comprehensive and in-depth instruction for using all of SugarCRM’s administrator tools. Through step-by-step instructions, become empowered to create new fields, add custom modules, automate processes with workflows, and set up security rules. “Using the expertise from Technology Advisors’ own SugarCRM Training curriculum, Administering SugarCRM shares the best practices to take advantage of all of SugarCRM’s administrator capabilities,” said Technology Advisors Co-Founder, Sam Biardo. “We’re thrilled to be offering a book to help people get the most out of their SugarCRM. This is especially valuable for people who want to try to implement themselves. It provides the guidance they need to be successful.” The second eBook in Technology Advisors’ CRM Foundation Book Series, Administering SugarCRM includes tips for working with any version of SugarCRM, including the latest versions 7.x. The Kindle Edition of the book from Amazon can be read on any Kindle device and any device with the Kindle app. It can also be read from a computer using free Kindle software available from Amazon.

Administering SugarCRM Book
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