Infor CRM SLX, CRM Reporting

SalesLogix Reporting Basics

We frequently get questions about the reporting functionality in SalesLogix. So here is some information that should give you a pretty good idea about how the reporting works and how it interfaces with the SalesLogix database.

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Microsoft Dynamics

How to pull data from a sub-grid on a parent form in MSCRM

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 it is possible to pull data from a sub-grid on a parent form when a page loads to read the values.

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SalesLogix Web and Database Views

Adding a database view into the SalesLogix web architecture can be a tricky process, due mostly to the fussiness of NHibernate. What follows is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

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SalesLogix Mail Merge DLL Installation Issue

We recently ran into an issue in SalesLogix version 7.5 sp3 where the mail merge did not work after an install. Clicking on the write->email menu would bring up the following message:

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Infor CRM SLX, StarfishETL

SalesLogix - StarfishETL Auto Map Feature

Recently we were tasked with importing data for a client who acquired a company that also used SalesLogix. There were a couple of Account based tables that needed to be imported for historical reference ONLY.

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Tips and Tricks

Concatenating Multiple Rows in SQL

SQL is often overlooked for programming capabilities. The concatenation function below saved me a lot of time in application programming to simplify presenting a 1-Many data relationship. This function has been extremely useful for me in report writing, data presentation , etc. The function takes…

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SalesLogix WEB Group Issues

Here's the problem, you click on the group, for example your "Customers" group, and it does not actually show your customers; it still shows "All Accounts" or whatever you were last viewing. In addition to this, if you were to look-up an Account while in this group that is…

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SugarCRM, Tips and Tricks

Creating OnChange and OnSave events in SugarCRM - Part 2

In the first post in this series on SugarCRM onload and onchange events I looked at how to add the events to the edit view. In this post I will look at how to call a function from a JavaScript file. In my third post, this will allow us to add JavaScript code that is more useful than an alert.

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Creating OnChange and OnSave events in SugarCRM

When I started digging into customizing SugarCRM I often found it difficult to follow along with suggested solutions. I mainly searched the SugarCRM forums for help on specific questions. Most of the time I could find sample code but not the information on how to use it. In this blog post I…

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SugarCRM Auto-Increment Field

An OnDemand client of ours recently had a need for an auto-incrementing number in SugarCRM. They had some fairly specific requirements, including a reference to the current year, a “-“ and, of course the auto-incrementing number that was comprised of 4 digits.

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Date Fields and SQL Views in SalesLogix

I recently ran into a client issue where several SQL views were built to support generation of some dashboard and reporting outputs. When retrieving this data, there was a need for filters based on the standard SalesLogix Opportunity EstimatedCloseDate field.

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SalesLogix Web Dashboards and Sales Processes (3 of 3)

We are now ready to put the pieces together. Log on to the web client and click on the Welcome navigation item.

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SalesLogix Web Dashboards and Sales Processes (2 of 3)

Open Application Architect and in Project Explorer expand Entity Model > Packages > SalesLogix Application Entities > Opportunity > Filters. Right click on Filters and click on “New Filter”. Build a “Boats” filter as shown in the screen shot. There are a number of things to be aware of…

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SalesLogix Web Dashboards and Sales Processes (1 of 3)

The SalesLogix web client provides users with both Dashboards and Sales Processes straight out of the box. However, combining the two to display the state of your sales process in meaningful ways is murky at best. What follows then is a basic “how-to” for configuring these two features to work…

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Upgrade Considerations for upgrading to SalesLogix 7.5.3

Every so often we come across a client who wishes to upgrade from a SalesLogix instance setup on SQL 2000. This discussion usually comes up when we start the process of analyzing hardware requirements for the upgrade. Here are a few key points that come up in order to help with understanding the…

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Export Groups Containing Pick List Values to a File in SalesLogix

Many times when building a group, some of the columns will be required to display a value from a pick list. This is easily accomplished by setting the “Format Type” property of the column to the value “Picklist Item”.

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Creating a Quote in SalesLogix Web Using Mail Merge

In SalesLogix Web, when you create an “E-mail/Letter/Fax Using Template” it can be a little confusing what happens to the document and how to update it. Here are the steps for creating and updating a Quote using the Mail Merge engine.

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Adding SalesLogix Address Lists to the Outlook Addressing Tab

Adding Sage SalesLogix Address Lists to the Outlook Addressing tab allows users to perform contact name resolution. Contact name resolution occurs when a user types a contact name in the To, Cc, or Bcc fields in an e-mail message. Outlook then reconciles the contact name with the information in the…

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SalesLogix - Activating Advanced Outlook Integration

When Advanced Outlook Integration is activated, the following features are enabled. All other Advanced Outlook Integration features require no activation. This information can also be found in the Sage SalesLogix Implementation Guide v7.5.

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SalesLogix How to Track Entity Change for 1-1 Extension Table

I recently had to implement this change for a client that needed to track if a property on an extension table changed and apply a business rule based on the original and new value.

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Microsoft Dynamics

Adding a Multi-Select Picklist to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 doesn't have multi-select picklist controls available. The standard CRM picklist can only save one value in the database and it is not easy to extend this functionality. In addition, you have to deal with the Advanced Find Feature.

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SalesLogix 7.5.3 WEB Error when using Mail Merge in Internet Explorer

"There was an error in ExecuteWriteAction(). Object doesn't support this property or method. Details: name=TypeError; number=-2146827850."

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How To Increase Saleslogix Web Session Timeout

Are you or one of your users experiencing short session times and getting logged off after just a few minutes of inactivity? Well the fix is just a few clicks away.

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SalesLogix MSSQL Maintenance Plans

When setting up a new instance of SalesLogix on a Microsoft SQL Server I generally setup two maintenance plans using the Maintenance Plan Wizard. Note that if you are using SQL 2005, make sure you are running MS SQL Service Pack 3. There was an issue in earlier versions of SQL 2005 that caused…

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Is there a way to set the Opportunity defaults for all users in SalesLogix?

Is there a way to set the Opportunity defaults for all users in SalesLogix? A client recently wanted to change the default estimated close date for new opportunities in SalesLogix to 1 month from 2 months. The Tools -> Manage -> Opportunity Defaults menu item was disabled for all users, so…

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